Llydenshire Stables
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Services offered at Llyndenshire Stables

On this page there is a list of services and prices offered.

All prices are Monthly. All prices are ind canadian funds and subjuct to change by Llyndenshire stables.

Equine Swimming

Our Equine Swimming program is a natural way to build or in some cases rebuild muscle concentration in your horse.   Also it builds a better respitory and cardiovascular system.

Colt Training:

I Believe in positive reinforcment training. Colts broke for all disciplines. please note. The training system is all dependant on your horse.

Equine Chiropractic care:

Our Chiropractic program consisit of the following:
1- Bi-weekly visits from Dr. Robert J. Folkard
2- Energy  testing
3- Daily natural remedies
The purpose of this all natural program is to use your horses energy feild to determine if there is any problems internally. Also with regukar Chiropractic care your horse will stay healtier longer.
Extreme cases bone displacment can be looked at from Dr. Bob and he will tell you what is going to have to happen from there.

For a limited time prices are discounted for the grand opening of
Llyndenshire Stables!!!
Swimming-Monthly:  Reg. $400 plus feed Sale- $325 plus feed.
Colt breaking- Monthly: Reg $600 plus feed   Sale 500 plus feed.
Chiropractic program- Monthly:  varies starting at $100 per visit plus stall rent and handling fee of 250.

I'll update this page frequently so check back often!

Performance Hoses and Ponies

Gold Mail Slot